To find popular part numbers from Detex like V40 EB-W CD 711 99 36 W-CYL, V40 LD 628 99 48, 14BN 689 W-CYL, V40 EE CD 628 99 36 W-CYL, V40 LD 628 99 36, 03PN 711, 03P 628 W-CYL, and others, look no further than the catalog organized on this page. Here, all items that we stock from Detex are presented next to their respective description, main category, and sub category for quick identification. As you find items of interest, keep in mind that you can click on the “RFQ” button next to them to access our online quote request forms, where you will be able to submit information about your purchasing needs. Once our team reviews your request, we will reach out with procurement options that seek to address your requirements and restrictions alike.
Our steadfast commitment to quality means that you never have to worry about the fit, form, or function of anything you order from us. In addition to only sourcing from trusted manufacturers like Detex, we also carry out varying levels of in-house inspections and third-party testing for stocked items. Furthermore, our NO CHINA SOURCING pledge will aid in confirming the authenticity of the parts you receive, as every shipment will include all relevant manufacturer trace documentation and qualifying certifications. This being said, get in touch with a representative at your earliest convenience and see how Aero Hardware World can help you seamlessly fulfill your part requirements!
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Part No. | Description | Main Category | Category | Availability | RFQ |
V40 EB-W CD 711 99 36 W-CYL | Exit Device, Series V40, Anodized Duranodic, Rim Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 LD 628 99 48 | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Rim Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
14BN 689 W-CYL | Grade 1, Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 EE CD 628 99 36 W-CYL | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Rim Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 LD 628 99 36 | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Rim Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
03PN 711 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
03P 628 W-CYL | Grade 1, Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
MS-2049SC | Conduit Magnetic Switch, Anodized Duranodic | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
VRA-143B-84 | Single Hinge Bolt, Zinc Plated, For Use With Mfr. No. Ecl-230d, 80 To 100 Length (In.... | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 EB-W CD 628 99 48 | Exit Device, Series V40, Aluminum, Rim Exit Device With Alarm | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 EE CD 628 99 36 | Rim Cylinder Dog, Series Value, Aluminum, Delayed Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
03PP | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40W HD 711 99 36 | Exit Device, Series V40, Painted, Rim | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
90KR x 8FT | Keyed Removable Mullion, Satin Stainless Steel, For Use With Exit Devices, 96 Length ... | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
BE-961-1 | Adhesive Door Sign, Unfinished, For Use With Exit Devices | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
03AN 689 W-CYL | Grade 1, Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
14BN 689 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
GTPLKIT | Keyed Removable Mullion, Satin Stainless Steel, For Use With Exit Devices, 84 Length ... | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
ECL-2100K | Holder, Satin Chrome, For Use With Interior And Exterior Doors | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
08DNS LHR 626 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 EB-W CD 628 99 36 | Exit Device, Series V40, Aluminum, Rim Exit Device With Alarm | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
09BN 693 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
FV40 EB LD 628 99 36 | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Rim | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
02AN 693 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 EA CD 628 99 36 | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Rim Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
ECL-620 W-CYL | Exit Device, Series Ecl-620, Anodized Aluminum, Rim Exit Device With Alarm | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
DX-2 GRAY | Hinge, Anodized Duranodic, For Use With Interior And Exterior Doors | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 EB CD 628 98 36 | Exit Device, Series V40, Aluminum, Rim Exit Device With Alarm | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
F90KR 7FT | Fire Rated Keyed Removable Mullion, Satin Stainless Steel, For Use With Exit Devices | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 HD 711 99 36 | Exit Device, Series V40, Anodized Duranodic, Rim Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
03AN 693 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
FV40 EE LD 628 99 36 | Rim Fire Rated, Series Value, Aluminum, Delayed Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
MS-2049F | Plate Kit, Satin Chrome, For Use With Mfr. No. Ecl-230d-Ph, Ecl-600 | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
03CN 630 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 EB-W CD 628 99 36 W-CYL | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Rim Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
MS-1059S | Surface Mounted Magnetic Switch, Unfinished, For Use With Exit Alarms, 3-1/4 Length (... | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
03A 693 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 EB CD 628 98 36 W-CYL | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Rim Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
MS-1039S | Flush Magnetic Switch, Satin Stainless Steel, For Use With Exit Devices, 3-5/8 Length... | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40W HD 628 99 48 | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Long Rim | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 CD 711 99 36 W-CYL | Exit Device, Series V40, Anodized Duranodic, Rim Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
03P 711 W-CYL | Grade 1, Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40W HD 628 99 36 | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Rim | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
09DS LHR 626 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
02A 689 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
01P 689 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 HD 628 99 48 | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Panic Rim | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
08DNS RHR 626 | Grade 1, Interior And Exterior Trim For Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V4008BN EB CD 628 99 36 | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Rim | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
V40 EB-W CD 628 99 48 W-CYL | Exit Device, Series V40, Satin Aluminum, Rim Exit Device | Hardware | Door Hardware | Avl | RFQ |
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